Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Ok, so here I am typing out my first Blog, consumed with questions/doubts/fears....'What do I write?', 'Where on earth do I begin',

After reading though a few Blogs by my fellow MAPPers, ( which were all very insightful ) and having two Skype calls, I should now surely be feeling more confident about my studies towards my MA. Do I? Nope.

Am sat here over analyzing every sentence I write. When in fact it's these precise feeling that got me intrigued, How now the roles have reversed as I now become the learner. To which has left me with feelings of self doubt, vulnerability, unequipped and lost.

Every year as I welcome a new cohort of learners I go through the introductory procedures of enrolling correctly/systemically, timetabling, uniform, course content and so on.....However on reflection do I stop,breathe and acknowledge how each individual is feeling. The room is full of the unknown, not necessarily in a negative sense but how often do we stop and recognize and address the insecurities/vulnerability present.

It's the relationship between teacher-student that have sparked an interest for me. Do we act as guides or do we motivate to enforce self guiding? For many reading this post, you will be able to identify to the Autocratic approach of dance training, Teacher say and we do. This was also identified and discussed in the Skype meeting on Sunday when Helen and Adesola, who both kindly shared their own personal journeys. The Autocratic approach isn't one I adapt in my own teaching, however as a learner I have found it more difficult to not await 'direction'.

It's this questioning/reflecting, that have lead me into two research areas:  The Lifewide Learning concepts, and effective integration of Health and Well Being.

Already from starting the blog...(at last! ) to finishing ( another at last...) I already feel more confident, I look forward to reading more of your blogs, and sharing ideas. Now I am off to delve into my research and build on my reflective journal with much more clarity. ( I think )


  1. Hi Jo,
    I can totally relate to this. It's so funny when the tables turn and i feel i have just become more empathetic with my students. Learning can also be exposing because it is mostly things we do not know or we don't realize we know. I've found within my own practice although i praise and try to make my classes an enjoyable experience for each individual. I am now actively trying to increase confidence and encourage my students to want to learn( linking to you guiding students), as I am now a learner I have found that's what I need. Confirmation I am on the right track to build that little bit of confidence to go and explore myself my own practice and now on module 2 look outwards to the effects dance has outside of the studios.
    I look forward to reading more of your blogs!
    FYI I still sit here and analyse what i'm going to write on m blog, trying to get over it now and just keep them up there rather than read it back a few days later, question everything and delete it!

    1. Hi Alice,

      Thank you so much for your comment. I am just getting to grips with the requirements of Module 1 and must admit I feel out my depth at the moment. Your message has made me feel a little better that's for sure, so Thank you.
      I didn't even know if I had set my blog up correctly and receiving your comment must mean i have....phew!

      Need to delve into my reflective journal and make start identifying my AOLs eeek!! Yep we can all now empathize with our learners, I know now am much more aware of their educational and emotional needs.

      Look forward to reading more of your blogs as you begin Module 2

      Thanks again Alice for the comment.

  2. Good points about reflecting and observing yourself as a source for understanding the teach/learn relationship. Part of Module One is about looking at your self as a learner and noticing what/who that is. You make some great points about that.

    I always wonder why teaching and learning are so often talked about as if time connects them. But when we are taught is not always the time we learn. Teaching and learning are like things in the washing-machine-of-your-understanding. Sometimes they bump into each other and get wound up together, but other times they are quite separate spinning around in their own cycle!

  3. Great Post, Jo! I really enjoyed this. I especially understand and relate to what you speak about when you mention acknowledging another person's insecurities.

  4. Hi Jo,

    I hope you are well. I did an AOL Brainstorm which has really excited me, and gave me a great start at some ideas for my AOL learning. I have decided to continue documenting my steps as well, as they may be helpful others. I hope all of the inquiry is doing you good. It is certainly helpful for me.

  5. Hi Jo, I´ve just read your post so I would like to comment. Firstly, when I got into module 1 I really enjoyed it. it was difficult at first, going into the unknown and being scrupulous. Reflecting on my practice (like I´m sure for most of us) was a difficult task but the benefits were endless. It made me so aware of my pupils, students and colleagues. It made me aware of my strengths and weaknesses. Once you get going, I hope you´ll enjoy it! Samantha
